The Society for the Study of Chinese Religions is happy to announce that we are again hosting our annual Roundtable of Emerging Voices in the Study of Chinese Religions at the American Academy of Religions.
Time: Saturday, Nov. 19: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Session: P19-108)
Location: Sheraton Downtown-Director's Row J (Plaza Tower - Lobby Level)
This panel will have 6 presentations (three by video) by emerging scholars in the field of Chinese religions:
John Sampson, University of Toronto, “Chinese Theology in Countercultural Perspective.”
(pre-recorded video)
Richard Yu-Cheng Shih, Brown University, “Fluid State: Riverine Environmental Changes and the Rise of Littoral Communities in Lake Tai.”
(pre-recorded video)
Wang Xian, University of British Columbia, “Islamic Religiosity, Maoism, and State Violence.”
(pre-recorded video)
Alia Goehr, The University of Chicago, “The Genius of Form: Jin Shengtian's Transformative Literary Program.” (in person)
Sinae Kim, Princeton University, “Buddhist Preaching Culture in Medieval China.”
(in person)
Luo Yuqing, Columbia University, “The Descending Words: Cult and Culture of Spirit-Writing in Song China.” (in person)
All are welcome to join us for this brown-bag luncheon event.
Further description of each talk is found here: